A game made for the mini Ludum Dare #45 by Goerp in 2013.
This C64 game is embedded with JaC64 - a 100% Java C64 Emulator (to be honest I ripped all JAC64 content including this html from their page).
You have to enable Java in the browser to run the game. You can also download the game and run it in the C64 emulator of your choice:
Download C64 Program
You may have to rename it to a .prg game, some browsers automatically rename a .prg it to .txt

JaC64 Running HELSINGS HUNT (you may have to click it to respond to keyboard)
Your browser is completely ignoring the Java Applet!

For more information on JaC64

Please visit: JaC64

Sourcecode, etc.

Visit JaC64 on sourceforge JaC64@sf